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Why did I become a Chiropractor?
I was a personal trainer all throughout high school and undergrad. I saw people (including my dad) transform their health conditions without drugs and surgery. I was so inspired by this and knew then that my future was in natural healthcare. I shadowed a chiropractor once, and I knew that this was what I wanted to be doing for the rest of my life!
I became an applied kinesiologist due to my own health issues. I was extremely stressed during chiropractic school, juggling 24 units a quarter, practice groups before during and after school, and studying for boards. I got intense stomach pains that kept me from eating, drinking, and laying down and I was misdiagnosed at urgent care. The waitlist to see a gastroenterologist was about a month long. Luckily an applied kinesiologist was guest speaking at my school about a week later. needless to say, I volunteered to be a demo and she diagnosed and treated me on the spot. I had a hiatal hernia. I was able to eat my first full meal in over a week without any pain or discomfort. I was amazed by the technique and spent hundreds of hours learning the technique on top of the curriculum at chiropractic school.